I greet you in the love and light of the one infinite creator,


I am Medititan,

I am pleased to connect with you.

I am just a friend. Attached you will find my experiences, knowledge and wisdom, I like to share with you. How to heal yourself, your environment, the nature, your mind, your soul, your timeline, your relationships – and your life. I am but a brother, an alchemist, a healer, a bard, one of you. Always be responsible with your actions and how you share your knowledge. Please refer to RA's Law of One, to learn more about this.

I am in no way related to western medicine, science, corporate companies, governments or to religions.

I am.

Understand nature – copy nature


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Healing your BodyHealing your SpiritualHealing your MindCleaning Tools

Healing your Body

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Clean Drinking Water

Topic: health, water, cleaning

Heal your body and your soul with clear drinking water. Use the power of Vortex to clean your water. You can use Tap Water for this. You can easily create a vortex at home with two bottles of water.

Reference: structured Water, vortex water, viktor schauberger, dr. masaru emoto

Store Water in Copper

Topic: health, tools, cleaning

You should store your water in copper containers to detoxify it.

Reference: copper benefits, copper tools

Lower/Stop Eating Meat

Topic: health, eating

You should base your food on 20% Acidic and 80% Alkaline food. As it is not easy to change eating habits, and everyone is individual, you should do a change relaxed, with clear mind, smooth and without resistance. In case you can't stop eating meat at all, eat fish.

Reference: change meat, alkaline eating, benefit of vegetables

Grow your own Food

Topic: health, eating

If you have the possibility, you should grow your own food. The sun transmits the latest information to your beloved plants. Love them, talk with them – they are powerful and will give that back to you.

Reference: How to grow your own food anywhere, how sun reacts on plants

Use woodend tools

Topic: health, tools

You can use wood tools for eating and food processing. There are better materials than metal or plastic to use.

Reference: Benefit of woodend tools

Learn to breath

Topic: health, meditation, body

Wim Hof gave us an incredible method to power up our body and our mind. Please search for his Videos and learn how to use it from the beginning.

Reference: wim hof breathing method, how to breath, 7 second breathing

Drink clear water before consuming

Topic: health, body, eating

Before consuming anything and in case you have a sensible stomach, you should drink a cup of water. Water is the "oil" that keeps your machine running.

Reference: structured water

Start walking bare footed

Topic: body, healing, grounding

As much as possible you should start walking bare footed, if not doing already. It has really much benefits for your whole balance.

Reference: benefits of walking bare footed

Watch your grounding

Topic: body, healing

You can learn to ground yourself. Watch what and how you eat, treat your body right. Use the power of the nature.

Reference: how to ground yourself, grounding food

hungry = thirsty

Topic: water, body, health

Don't let yourself be tricked. Sometimes, you are not hungry, but thirsty.

Reference: thinking programs

Get enough sleep

Topic: spiritual awakening, body, health

You need at least 7 - 9 hours sleep, or you will get it, if you want or not. Having enough energy in your body and mind via enough sleep, is most important.

Reference: sleeping and dreaming

Cook your meals with clean water

Topic: health, body, eating

Always use your clean water to cook your meals and to prepare your drinks/liquids. You can also spray your water on fruits to keep them fresh.

Reference: structured water

Don't use toothpaste with fluoride

Topic: health, body, cleaning

Using fluoride in toothpaste or drinking water is blocking your pinneal gland. Start healing it, by deleting these materials from your life.

Reference: pinneal gland, himalaya toothpaste

Bathing/Showering without metals or toxics

Topic: health, body, cleaning

Look at the materials that your showering gel uses. Use products which only are using natural/herb components.

Reference: pinneal gland

Do your washing with clean water

Topic: health, body, cleaning

Use clean water for your baths and showering. Wash your clothes with it. You can give your clear water to your animals and plants.

Reference: pinneal gland, healing with water

Ointments and creams - ph value

Topic: health, body, cleaning

Every person has it's own ph value. We are getting told by the marketing agencies that our overall ph value is 5.5. This is not true and could do damage to your system. A good number is above 7 (neutral). Don't use toxic and useless "anti aging" cremes and such.

Reference: detoxing your body, the magic of base baths

Don't use deodorants with toxic materials

Topic: health, body, cleaning

There are countless "deodorants" or such, that want to tell you how healthy their namings are. They are not. Try not using this at all. Don't spray directly on your skin, as it can't breath then.

Reference: pinneal gland, healing with water

Healing your Spiritual

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Topic: health, meditation, spiritual awakening

Getting used to meditation is an important part of well being. Not for the cause of practicing it, but for a clear insight of what you and your body needs. The best doctor is living inside of you. For beginners, you should advance this topic with easiness, relaxation, calmness and joy. A patient learner, is a winner.

Reference: guided meditation

Use Ho'oponopono to heal you in every manner

Topic: health, meditation, spiritual awakening, cleaning

The ancient healing method of Ho'oponopono from Hawaii is a blessed way to help yourself without leaving the house. It can help you manifest, work on yourself and guide you for a better life.

Reference: dr. hew len, dr. vitale, zero limits, ho'oponopono

Use Sound Frequencies in your life

Topic: cleaning, frequencies

You can use different types of sound frequencies to help you in getting in better connection. For example you can use the schuhmann resonance frequency to have a better connection to the world, gaia and the divine mother.

Reference: frequencies for cleaning, 528Hz, 432Hz, 741Hz, 639Hz, 783Hz

Clean your Aura/Auric field

Topic: cleaning, frequencies, aura

One should take of their auric field. This topic is perfect for a lenghty research. You can understand, that every auric field is individual and it will interact with other auric fields. You can shield yourself and clean yourself from every crack in your field, parasites or negative energies.

Reference: frequencies for aura cleaning, binaural beats

Use the Power of Reikis

Topic: cleaning, frequencies, aura, mantra

Reikis are a wonderful way to help you with cleaning and connection. I may want to refer on Susan from blendedinsight. She is a master in Reikis and you can use Reikis for every occurrence.

Reference: reikis, susan from blendedinsight

Use Mantras

Topic: cleaning, mantra, trinkets

Mantras can help you change your life to better. Like “Om mani padme hum”, you can use this mantra daily in your life. You can wear it, sing it, put it in your house or just think about it. There are many wonderful ways to do so.

Reference: om padmo ushnisha vimale hum phat, om mani padme hum

Visit Nature more often

Topic: cleaning, body, grounding, spiritual awakening

The nature and the divine mother, loves all their children. Take a break, visit nature and take the energy of the love and peace inside you. No matter where you are, you can visit nature. If you are practiced in meditation, this is a wonderful thing to combine.

Reference: sacred nature places to visit, places for meditation

Follow your highest Joy

Topic: spiritual awakening

You should follow your highest joy everyday. Life may have difficulties for you, but if you allow to follow the things you have joy in, your life will instantly improve to the better.

Reference: hobbies


Topic: meditation, spiritual awakening

Take 10 minutes of the day, just for yourself. Listen to your favourite song, read your book or have joy in the silence of the day. It is important, that you take time for yourself and take care for your inner needs.

Reference: binaural beats, hobbies

Time before Sleeping, Sleeping itself

Topic: mind, soul, spiritual awakening

You can use your sleep to work for you! Use nice healing frequencies to heal while sleep. Use the important time 5 minutes before sleeping to talk with your higher self, or talking to your manager. The time when you wake up is also important. You need your sleep like it needs you.

Reference: abraham hicks "using the manager", 5 minutes before waking up/sleeping, working with the higher self

Care for your body

Topic: body, healing

Every extreme, can just be harmful. Your body is your temple. It needs you, it is your vehicle you drive in. Watch what you eat, how you eat. Don't be too lazy, don't overdo it. You need to listen to your body.

Reference: body relaxation methods, binaural beats

Switch off your T.V.

Topic: healing, grounding, spiritual awakening

Switch of your electronic devices. It is good to avoid these energies for some time, to give yourself the ability to reconnect. Duty comes first, but take your time to completely shut down all your devices, and get yourself more connected with nature.

Reference: hobbies, visiting nature

Contact your inner Child

Topic: healing, meditation, spiritual awakening

Your inner child exists, it needs you. You can meditate and connect with your inner child, in a really soft way. This will heal your whole self and will bring your more peace and insight.

Reference: dr. hew len guided meditation for inner child

Know your Element, use the Elements

Topic: spiritual awakening

Know your element, is it fire, water, earth, wind or ether. You can use the power of water, the sound of the ocean. You can make a bonfire, take its energy and watch its magic. Watch how the insects bury in the ground. Feel the energy at night.

Reference: elements by birthsign, using the power of elements

No Resistance – go with the Flow

Topic: spiritual awakening, mind

Imagine floating on a river. Trying to swim in the opposite direction will get you exhausted really quick. Just lay back an “go with the flow”. All should go very soft and without resistance. Resistance can lead to unwanted tension.

Reference: thinking programs, power of allowing

The Power of Love

Topic: spiritual awakening, mind

Love is everywhere. Love is life. You need love, everything needs love. Learn to accept love, learn what love you need. Give the love you also need. Is it physical or spiritual? Love can heal, love will spread and it is always strong. Love is always stronger than hate. As light is always stronger to darkness.

Reference: levels of love, understanding love

The Power of Gratitude

Topic: spiritual awakening, mind

Be excessively thankful for everything. It is said that the highest power of vibration in the universe, is the power of gratitude. You should openly be thankful for the service of other peoples to you.

Reference: power of gratitude

Service to Others

Topic: spiritual awakening, mind

Improve your service to others where you can. This will help you advance in you life plan. The service to others, out of pure love and to care for your people, will open the door to the new for you.

Reference: karma

Be more self forgiving

Topic: spiritual awakening, mind

Forgive yourself, as every mistake you see, is just a test you passed with some knowledge you should gather. Don't judge yourself and don't judge other. It is ok, as it all is – you are in your path and right were you should be.

Reference: thinking programs, learn self forgiveness, how to hold no grudges

See the Signs around you

Topic: spiritual awakening, mind, perception

You may already have seen many miracles on your path. Open your eyes and stay in a positive mood. If you go with the flow, you are gifted. For those who have eyes, may see. I.e. all kind of feathers are good implicators for signs.

Reference: miracles, wonders

Note down your Dreams

Topic: spiritual awakening, soul

Try to remember your dreams and start taking notes. You may see some real good signs for you!

dream diary/journal, lucid dreaming

Working on Powers/Weakness

Topic: spiritual awakening, mind, perception

Your traits and your weakness goes hand in hand. Meanwhile your biggest weakness is your biggest power and vice versa. If you clearly see all in front of you, while staying neutral, try to work with it to advance further and improve relationships.

Reference: duality

Chakra Balancing

Topic: spiritual awakening, mind, healing

You may have some blockages inside of you. You can achieve your full power, if you work on your chakra imbalances. There are various methods of healing, balancing and effectively working with your chakra.

Reference: chakra, chakra balancing, chakra healing frequencies, crystal chakra healing

Base Bath

Topic: body, healing

Taking the right kind of base bath can detoxify your body. Please do your research, as one bathing session lasts 2 1/2 hours and needs preparement. Use a product with the right indregidents.

Reference: base bath, salt baths, bathing osmose

Lightwork for your Environment

Topic: spiritual awakening, mind, healing

With the right frequencies and tools, you can heal yourself, your environment, the nature and the planet with your light work. Researching may give you insight in the right tools, as you are not the first nor the last to assist the planet in awakening.

Reference: lightworking, lightworkers

Healing your Mind

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Love/Fear Frequency

Topic: spiritual awakening, mind, perception

You decide if you rather want to stay in the love or fear frequency. Charge yourself with the right frequencies and use the tools you have been given. Otherwise your received blessings and energies will stagnate. You can allow to stay in the love frequency.

Reference: 528Hz, vibrations, power of allowing

Keep your enviroment physical clean

Topic: energy emitting

Your workplace is like your mind. If it is a mess, your brain looks like a mirror image of it. One can control the chaos, but you surely know when it is time to tidy up. Cluttered clothes should be in place too.

Reference: sadhguru

Cut your hair to remove unwanted energies

Topic: body, energy emitting

If you feel, like it is time for a change you can shave your whole body. Your hair are like "antennas" and can save energy and information. You can use this to clean yourself, but you can grow your hair longer for better connection.

Reference: Why is human hair important for connection

Be aware of the Energy Exchange

Topic: spiritual awakening, mind, perception

If you are part of something or with somebody, you are part of this energy exchange. You can feed this energy anytime with your thoughts and you charge this polarity as well. Don't exceed too much energy from your counterpart or give to much energy so you are exhausted. The balance is really important, imagine the concept of 50/50 from 100.

Reference: how to achieve balance, empathics, empathic shielding

Integrate your Ego

Topic: spiritual awakening, meditation, shadowwork

Integrate your ego and be aware of yourself. What are thought programs and where do they come from? Use tools like ho'oponopono to deal with these programs and to erase them.

Reference: thinking programs, ho'oponopono

Noise vs Information

Topic: spiritual awakening, mind

Use your intuition to implement a filter in your thinking. When is it real information when it reaches you? What is just white noise, which is really just nothing?

Reference: thinking programs, divine downloads

Install the Observer

Topic: spiritual awakening, mind

Your thinking is not you. Install the Observer, which is really you. Observe and analyse thoughts. Emotion is Energy in Motion – e-motion.

Reference: thinking programs, installing the observer, abraham hicks

Financial Abundance

Topic: financial, mind

There is the power of money and it's energy in the universe. You decide what to do with it. Use the tools, you may know already to improve your relation to that kind of energy. Learn the law of attraction.

Reference: money magnet, law of attraction, karma

See Imbalances

Topic: spiritual awakening, mind, perception

As you are cleaned more, you will start to see imbalances, wherever they may come from. Remember you create anything around you, so you can give a direction to it. Being at peace with good/bad means you are in balance.

Reference: manifestation

Be faithful, positve and strong willed

Topic: spiritual awakening, mind, healing, perception

This is not about religion. You are powerful and unstoppable. See your strong will, allows put it to use for your community and have a strong faith. These are shields and armour that will protect and guide you.

Reference: chakra, chakra balancing, chakra healing frequencies, crystal chakra healing, 1111 synchronicity

Accept your “Faults” and work with it

Topic: spiritual awakening, mind, healing

You will learn, that everything made sense from the beginning. You can work with your inner fears, as they may guide you. You can easily filter them, if you clean your thoughts regularly. So to call “sleeping with your devils” may help you, to clean them away for ever.

Reference: shadowwork

Habits, may show a Lack of Love

Topic: spiritual awakening, mind, healing

Some of your year long habits may compensate a lack of love. If you find true love and joy in other things, these things can be overcome.

Reference: inner fears and desires

Learn & practice

Topic: spiritual awakening, mind, perception

Learning never stops. Learn eager and with love to get a clearer view of the bigger concept. Learning is purifying your soul at the same time. You should to no half hearted things and practice what you learned.

Reference: learning binaural beats, learning frequencies

Use Totem Medicine

Topic: spiritual awakening, animals, nature

The nature and the animals can show you how it can be done best. Use the might of totem medicine to benefit your overall life situation. Learning about your spirit animal can help you.

Reference: spirit animals, gaia's wonders of nature

Sexual Energy

Topic: spiritual awakening, fire element

Sexual Energy is part most of your life. Sexual energy is your burning fire and can be your compassion. Blocking and Imbalance will create unwanted, unhealthy tension.

Reference: wilhelm reich, the element of fire

Cleaning Tools

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Topic: crystals, spiritual awakening, meditation

You can use the power, love and wisdom of our crystals family to guide and help you. This topic is huge and crystals have immense power and variety. Please note, that crystals need your care and you should urgently do some research to threat them right.

Reference: crystal water, crystal meditation, crystal cleaning

Clean your house/room

Topic: cleaning

There are various tools to clean your house and/or environment. You can use meditation, visualisation, frequencies and many other different methods to clean your house from unwanted energies. You can use dried sage, which can be easily found on your research.

Reference: sage smudging, frequencies for cleaning

Get in Sync

Topic: spiritual awakening

Use methods like sound frequencies to get a better connection to your energies, the divine and our planet. I.e. you can use the schuhmann resonance sound or the love resonance. You can also use the fibonacci Sequence to implement in your life, like frequencies, meditating, visualisation or tapping it.

Reference: fibonacci sequence, vitruvian numbers, "tapping" on wrist, golden ratio attunement


Topic: body, health, grounding, spiritual awakening

Orgonite is most powerful, but for now suppressed. You can use the power of orgonite pyramids, to clean and connect better. A really big book to open, with many miracles to discover.

Reference: wilhelm reich, orgonite pyramids, orgonite chamber


Topic: cleaning, meditation, spiritual awakening

Pyramids are the most powerful of geometrics. You can use finely crafted copper pyramids, to clean your crystals or food. You can learn a lot while researching about this topic on pyramids and sacred geometries.

Reference: pyramid science

Water in Blue Bottles

Topic: water, body, health

Store your clean water for 1 hour in a blue glass bottle in the sun. Don't use metal closings.

Reference: clean water, cleaning thinking programs

Resonance Remembering

Topic: spiritual awakening, frequencies

Thanks to the beautiful anahata, we can use the power of resonance remembering to summon energies for needed healing. Learn meditation and how to work with you higher self. Search for guidance and do your research before.

Reference: anahata, working with the higher self

Nikola Tesla

Topic: healing, spiritual awakening

Nicola Tesla has seen the future. More important of the great man he was, it is his teachings and his wisdom that stays. Learn “subtraction through addition”, the power of 3,6,9.

Reference: quotes nikola tesla, digital root number

Search for the "great awakening map" online.

Thanks to my sisters and brothers for everything. I am so grateful and love you very much.